A downloadable game

Hi again, here's something short I made for Bullet Hell Artistry 9. Too bad I kinda rushed on this one so I kinda didn't get as

much content as I planned but here's this I guess. Gimmick this time is to make an unusual non forward focus shottype so
here's a shottype that can kill you as a gimmick. You can shoot on your own and have your own weapons but your familiar
here can deal even more but you have to dodge away from it. (Heavily inspired from something in The Binding of Isaac btw)

Play as some strange demon summoner who got bored out of his life so he summoned some strong demon with great powers.
at the cost of great suffering for the rest of the summoner's life. Who knows why he summoned him, but it's absolutely not for
power but for something else. This was all a test to prove his worth to handle him.

Shoot (or uhh slash or charge your familiar) through 3 bosses from another world. Score as high as you could.

Please read the "readme_for_this_game.txt" for more information and credits (I'll just post it here anyway). I also recommend
checking the manual and tutorial for gameplay information.



  • You can edit the music by putting the music in the "script/OST" folder,  and in the "script/music.txt" just replace the names of the music on the "bgmname" list on the entry corresponding where it will play, and set up its start and end points through the "start" and "end" lists respectively. Make sure to set it in sample counts.


  • Fixed sfx volume always set to max (sorry I forgot I left it to 100 for debugging purposes), also removed the replays saved in the game.


midnight_summoner_ver1.00.zip 19 MB

Install instructions

- Unzip file

 - Open midnight.exe / midnight_legacy.exe

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